- Boot1无法启动Uboot和Kernel
Succeed in loading Boot1.Jump to Boot1.[ 2.538] fattype FAT16[ 2.540] fs mount ok[ 2.543] nand good_block_ratio=870[ 2.546] storage_type=0[ 2.558] 0[ 2.558] set pc[ 2.558] usbdc_vol = 4000, usbdc_cur = 100[ 2.560] usbpc_vol = 4400, usbpc_cur = 100[ 2.565] init to usb pc[ 2.568] set pc[ 2.649] battery enough[ 2.650] power_start=0x00000003[ 2.650] key value = 0[ 2.653] recovery key high 40, low 4[ 2.673] show pic finish[ 2.673] load kernel start[ 2.692] load kernel successed[ 2.692] start address = 0x4a000000[ 3.162] power exit detect-------enter standby
对策:power_start = 3
- 更新nanda中script.bin不生效
对策: A20/lichee/boot/boot1/egon2.h中屏蔽SCRIPT_INSTALL_EARLY
- 使用LVDS屏显示时出现色块颜色不对现象
原因: 18bit显示的LVDS使用了24bit显示位宽
对策: lcd_lvds_bitwidth = 1